Thursday, May 8, 2008

Whats Cooking Ravi?

I reached home almost at 9.00pm from work yesterday! It's not the traffic factor but the distance. Almost a 80km drive daily (to and fro). The taste of eating out loathed me and can't stomach the same type of foods (vegetarian). Nothing much of variety to fulfill body's nutrients requirements. Just before reaching home, stopped to buy vegetables and spices and cook in my new cooker! ``What to cook?'' my thought pondered a question. `` Emm. OK! Lets try vegetables curry'', twerps my inner voice. Bathed, prayed and quickly set to prepare basic ingredients and sliced vegetables and readied the multipurpose cooker. It turned out pretty good with only one disappointment, the vegetable curry with ``Soo Hoon'' tasted more like ``Curry Mee''. I had wheat based``Pita'' bread instead of rice as accompaniment.

Friends, I am posting a disclaimer here. Never try this recipe by yourself or copy it. Doing so, the risk is solely yours and at your own peril!

My Vegetable Curry With Soo Hoon
(Serving - One person)

3 lady fingers (medium size)
1 tomato
2 small onions
3 clove of garlic
Slices of dried ginger
1 piece of soy tofu
Chinese beans
1 Potato
Spinach seeds
Soo hoon(0.50 cent packet)
Prepare / slice / cut tomato,onion,garlic,dried ginger, beans,potato into small pieces.
Fry all above in heated pan/wok ( I use my multi cooker)
Once ready, remove and keep aside and fry the tofu (slice into cubes)
Remove and now add a little oil the wok(Olive oils is healthy)
Fry the spinach seeds and then add fried ginger,garlic, and onion except tomato, ladies finger and beans
2 table spoons of curry power are added after dilute in water.
Pour and let it boil nicely and then add tomato , beans, tofu and Soo hoon.
Let all ingredients blend and add salt to taste.
Serve while hot and eat at your own peril!! ( ha ha)