Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Flow with river of life

Air dari atas gunung mengalir ke bawa mengharungi banyak rintangan, liku dan ranjau.  Ada batu batu besar,  pokok mati,  dan sebagainya. 

Tapi air sungai tidak berhenti dari mengalir walau apa halangan di hadapan.  Ia tetap bergerak mengalir ke destinasinya. Tidak mengeluh,  tidak menangis, tidak berhenti takut ada halangan besar yang menanti. 

Air tetap akan mengalir untuk sampai ke laut samudera.  Selagi itu air mengalir  dengan tidak jemu jemu merintas halangan dan dugaan kerana objektif utama ialah bersatu dengan air laut. 

Kita pun sama ibarat air yang mengalir dari atas gunung menuju lautan luas.  Jangan berpegang pada dahan,  batu, ranting ranting sepanjang perjalanan hidup.  Just let go and flow with river of life. Once we let go,  the life knows where it should bring us eventually. Let go anger, jelousy, fear, worries, phobias and all other negative qualities in order to reach our final life destination. 

Negative qualities adalah batu penghalang untuk kita bergerak kehadapan.  Anggap batu besar sebagai batu kecil,  pijak ke tepi atau abaikan.

Ayuh mengalir seperti air gunung menuju lautan dalam.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Self Journey

 Journey of an individual 'self' is always like that.  Life is an extrodinarily beautiful set up rolled out to us by nature to experience all that life have to offer. There is no right or wrong but just 'self'' trying to understand the 'self' . The environment,  people, situations provides the background canvas upon which we draw where we are standing.

Amist of all the chaos of things around us, we try to attain sanity and shrug of negetive past experience or current dilibilating condition.  There is always light at the end of the tunnel eventually although seemed not visiable now. Eventually it will!! 

So, cherish every moment of past as sweet memories. These past experiences are building blocks of our inner maturity.  Each person that we had encountered teaches us valuable lessons and they simply reflect our own self in some form because inner nature of every invidual self is intrinsically the same albeit differs outwardly due to many subjective causes. 

Forgive all,  forgive self,  do things that make us happy, Nothing last forever,  but at least we know we tried to be happy and joyful....... We cant please all,  but we know somewhat we are useful to many by means of our help rendered to them without asking any returns. 

Past is an 'illusion' or 'maya' but real to the mind sense as experienced by the physical self owner. 

So,  we just happily move forward with a realization that ' life is meant to be lived joyously' no matter what happened...

Sunday, February 7, 2021

The amazing Zinzino Balance Oil

Please contact me for more information about the amazing Zinzoni oil and its effectiveness.