Thursday, October 26, 2023

DXN Anniversary Event, Cyberville

 Amazing people from 180 countries that attended DXN Anniversary celebration at Cyberville  Cyberjaya. Inspired and motivated! 

Reversing Prevailing Health Issues and Weight Management


Meaning of EAT

 Meaning of EAT:

E -  Experience 

A -  All 

T -  Taste 

Ok, let’s move on to something more positive and talk about EAT:

Eat less CRAP:

C – Carbonated Drinks

R – Refined Sugars

A – Artificial Sweeteners and Colors

P – Processed and Fast Foods

Eat more FOOD:

F – Fruits and Veggies

O – Organic Lean Protein

O – Omega-3, 6,9 Fatty Acids like VCO

D – Drink More Water

Following these 2 simple rules will be a giant step in the right direction toward better health and wellness. This easy to remember acronym is a great tool for anyone looking to increase their awareness of what they are putting into their bodies and decrease the unhealthy processed crap in their diet.

So if you want to do 2 simple things to improve your health, do these 2:

1) Eat less CRAP


Sunday, June 25, 2023

Take care self first

 It's easy to get caught up in taking care of others and neglecting our own health. Whether it's running around after our children taking care of a sick family member or putting in long hours at work it can be challenging to find time to take care of ourselves.

However neglecting our own health can have serious consequences. It can lead to burnout fatigue and even illness. It's important to prioritize our own self-care even if it means taking time away from other responsibilities.

Simple practices like exercising regularly eating a balanced diet getting enough sleep and taking breaks throughout the day can go a long way in supporting our physical and mental health. It doesn't have to be time-consuming and even small changes can make a significant difference.

In conclusion while caring for others is important it's equally important to prioritize our own health. By doing so we can better care for others and lead a happier healthier life.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Cultivate positive gut feeling.

Focusing on positive gut feelings and energy can help you to feel more optimistic, confident and happy about life. This can change your perspective and attitude towards challenges and difficulties, allowing you to approach them more effectively and with a clearer mindset.

On the other hand, focusing on negative gut feelings and energy can cause anxiety, stress and fear, leading to decreased motivation, productivity and overall well-being. Thisdifficult situations and challenges. It can also help you to attract more positivity and good things into your life.

On the other hand, focusing on negative gut feelings can lead to anxiety, stress, and a negative outlook on life. It can also attract more negativity into your life. This can make it harder to see the positives in any situation and can lead to feeling stuck, overwhelmed or unhappy.

Practicing mindfulness, focusing on gratitude and positive affirmations can help cultivate positive gut feelings and energy. This can help you to feel better, more focused and more productive in your daily life. It can also help you to handle difficult situations more effectively and positively.

Remember, your gut feelings can be a powerful tool in helping you to navigate the world around you. By focusing on positive gut feelings, you can create a more positive and fulfilling life.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Prioritize Health As Our First Choice


Walking 10K Steps Daily


WIT Hostel Mates Reunion 2023


Appreciate trees

Oh mighty tree, with roots so deep,

Your branches stretch up high to the heavens weep,

Your leaves rustle in the gentle breeze,

As you stand tall and strong, with grace and ease.

You give us shade on a hot summer's day,

And a place to play, when our hearts are gay,

By your side we find comfort, shelter and peace,

Like a faithful friend,you stand tall and provide shade to all.

Through the seasons you brave the storm,

And in the spring, your buds transform,

Into green leaves and blooming flowers,

As you offer shelter to birds and all creatures.

Your bark is rough and yet so strong,

It shields you from harm all day long,

And at night, it cradles gentle creatures,

As they nestle within your peaceful features.

Oh tree, you are a true friend,

Your beauty and grace, will never end,

And though we often take you for granted,

We will always remember that you are enchanted.

For you are a symbol of hope and peace,

A reminder of our urgent need to increase,

Our efforts to protect and nurture you,

For without you, our world would be so blue.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Past is a cancelled cheque, future is promissory note.

This analogy suggest that the past is like a cancelled cheque, which has already been paid and cannot be changed. Similarly, events that have already happened in our lives cannot be altered and we must learn to accept and move on from them. 

On the other hand,future is like a promissory note, which represents a promise to pay a certain amount at a later date. This suggest that the past cannot be altered or undone. On the other hand the future is compared to a promissory note, which is a written promise to pay a specified amount of money or positive results at a later date. It implies that future is not  fixed and can be shaped by the actions and decisions we make today. 

Just like a promissory note, can be altered or cancelled if the terms of agreement change, our
future also can be influenced by the choice we make along the way. Thus, this analogy emphasizes the importance of being proactive and taking responsibility for our actions in the present to shape our future. 

Therefore, it's important to focus to live in the pesent and make most out of it. The present moment is the the only thing that we can control over and make a difference in. We can use the present to learn from past experience and make better decisions for the future. By living in the present moment, we can prioritize our actions and make the most of our time. So, it is important to focus on the present and make the most out of it. 

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Completing PhD against all odds.

 My journey in completing my PhD was not an easy one. I come from a troubled background, with an abusive alcoholic father. Despite this I was determined to succeed academically no matter how long it takes.I had an ambition to be a medical Doctor since childhood but never materialized. 

I found refuge in my work and studies foremost and worked tirelessly to excell in my field of study. However the challenges were not limited just on my personal life but also compromised health condition towards the end of my PhD program that I almost gave up. 

Upon completing my Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering with First Class Diploma,  I failed to enroll to number of universities in UK and Australia not due to my results but could not afford the fees. I started my job career in Singapore and pursue part time degree education. However, after a few years, I forced to terminate my studies due to financial constraints.  I tried few universities in similar manner, and that too ended in failure due to inability to pay up university fees. 

After seven years in Singapore,  I decided to come back to Malaysia for good. Nevertheless, my desire to complete my higher education doesn't end. I continued pursue MBA program while employed as Quality Manager. Sacrificed weekends on academic coursework, classic music lessons in Singapore.

Managed to complete my MBA in 3 years while taking care two manufacturing plant. It indeed took a tool on my health condition. I had to quit job to regain my health back on track. I went to my sister's house in Melaka and managed to enrol on a PhD program for 5 years. Luck was in my side. I secured a government grant. 

Trauma from past experience indeed haunted me while pursuing my PhD. Luckily I had few wonderful peers who kept my spirit high at all times. Finally after years of hard work and determination I submitted my thesis. Passed my VIVA at one go. Despite the many challenges and setbacks, I made it and finally graduated with a doctoral degree in management in 2022.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Most satisfying experience in my life.

Finishing my PhD is one of the most rewarding experience of my academic career.It involved years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance, but ultimately, the feeling of accomplishment and the sense of pride that comes with the earning my doctoral degree made it all worth it.

Throughout the journey, I faced many challenges, including the stress of conducting research, the pressure to meet the dateline, the accosional doubt about ability to complete it, it's all worth it. 

Throughout my journey, I conducted extensive research, tedious surveys throughout peninsular Malaysia. The culmination of my efforts was the comprehensive dissertation that I defended successfully in front of esteemed expert panel members from few universities.

The sense of accomplishment I felt upon completing my PhD was indescribable. It was an honor to join the rank of other PhD holders and contribute to the pool of knowledge in my field of study. Over ,finishing PhD is a transformative experience. Nevertheless, this is just a beginning never ends! 

Life titbits.


Tribute to Mr & Mrs Krishnan


Why people don't see the good things done to them!

 This is a common human tendency to focus on what others have not done for us rather than appreciating what they have already done.We often take things for granted and tend to overlook the efforts and kindness of others. This can lead to sense of entitlement where we expect people to do things for us without showing any gratitude or reciprocation. 

It's important to cultivate a sense of  gratitude and for granted and forget the efforts and sacrifices that people have made for us. We tend to overlook the small act of kindness and love people have shown us and instead, we give more importance to their short comings and failures.

It's important to realize that no one is perfect and everyone has their limitation and faults. However this shouldn't give us a reason to disregard the positive things that someone has done for us. ,no matter how small it may seem.

Instead of focusing on negative aspects of others, we should try to have a more positive outlook and appreciate the efforts of those around us. This will not only bring more positivity into our lives but also strengthen our relationships with others.