Friday, May 9, 2008

Growing Up - Pain Or Pleasure?

Have you ever wondered when was your most beautiful period of growing up you enjoyed the most? Well! The answer is for sure, are during your childhood or teenage years. To me, each stage of growing up has its best and wonderful memories to be cherished as well to be shared. The pains and pleasures associated with growing up are common to all albeit on a different ``scene’’ and ``plots’’ as according to one’s natural choreograph of life story and ``stage’’ play he/she acted on.

In a nutshell, the world we lived in as we grow was a fascinating and stupendous one. We had never stopped to think what was happening around us. We dwell our mind in the world of wonderlands, magical visions and illusions believing it was all real. In reality, it was real, nevertheless. How come? As the mind conceives the scenes and scenarios of what we are thinking of or dwelled in, the vibration thoughts are real in the natural state / sense of understanding. They’re all locked in our very subconscious mind of make believe. Is it a virtual play? No, it’s a real life play and can be enjoyed as a child. How pleasurable they are? Indeed they’re pleasurable and mesmerizing!

We read story books or were read to us. We listened to ancient world folklores. We get excited to stories of ferries, witches, wizards, goons, ghosts and bizarre creatures of all sorts. We get moved when reading books of tales; literature stuffs such Tom Sawyer adventures, Huckleberry Fin, Tolstoy, Malkudi Days, Hikayats and etc. We get carried away when read story books of warriors, warlords, adventures, outer space travels, beyond our imagination and many more. We get these in many ways and forms. The rich `Sahibs’ get though books and poor `Toms’ by narrative stories or as told by their elders, teachers and by chance.

Whether, we came from a wealthy and rich family or poverty stricken, humbled background, the experience is the same. Much of the pains are from those associated with sickness or seasonal conditions as we grow to adjust to surroundings as part of transformation towards teenage year, then to be an adult. How we felt pain full when our wishes were not fulfilled by our parents. The other pains are mostly from bodily injuries inflicted falling down from trees, fences, steps, being smacked by parents, friendly blows between siblings, bitten by animals or insects and of course the dreaded ``needle’’ every time we visit the ``friendly’’ doctors.

The pleasures of those painful bouts are compensated by our ``innocent ness’’ and forgetting things fast. We just remember the experiences rather holding onto the hurtfulness. A combination of pain and pleasure but more tinged of pleasurable moments. I do cherished those moments. Don’t You? Well, just turn your life pages back and smile to those wonderful moments of pains & pleasures. You just might or will definitely find them more pleasurable!