Wednesday, May 7, 2008

``Saving Private Ravi’’ - adapted title of the movie ``Saving Private Ryan’’

The storyline of the above subject rolls around in the private life of Ravi (myself) and NOT `Private Ryan’, the soldier from the US infantry , portrait in the movie set during the second world war acted and directed by Tom Hanks. Incredible movie that last for almost more than 3 hours where a Lieutenant (acted by Tom Hanks) with his platoon were set to track out and bring back Private Ryan who had all his brothers killed in the battlefield. High ranking General ordered his men to bring back Ryan to his family at all cost.

This sets the story of bravery and valor of a platoon in searching and safely returning Private Ryan back home (US). In the end, the very man who leads the search group was killed. He was remembered by Private Ryan as he visits ``fallen soldiers’’ memorial at the finishing shots (also beginning close shots, as he knelled down starring on the Lieutenant’s tomb) and the rolling tears falling as he reminiscent the past in war torn France – the place he was saved.

So, what that got to do with `Private Ravi’? Ha - ha. Nothing, just how sacrifices are done along one life that breathes happiness to many people we came into contact that needs our support and help, but in the end, we too get to accept those hardest things or consequences of such action where seemed hard, tough or drains our mental, physical and emotional state but ironically, were not remembered at all or just be a passing experience. How one looks at life and the way we perceive those challenges thrown to us that comes in many forms as just an ` experiential learning’ to be accepted without any cringe.

Our extension and the feeling of knowing the pains and pleasure of others and moving to help in any way we can also indicate a humble act that the all pervasive Goodness’ does reside in every human form and by doing so, we are happy and filled with fullness feeling as though we are ``them’’. We do know also, that this can hurt us in the process but its kind a ``happy hurt’’ not the devastating thought of `lost ness’’. Also, the knowing that all good deeds done returns to the ``doer’’ without fail.

Moral: To those of you who felt slighted and pained by the very person you helped, don’t worry be happy and just know that your deeds are measured and returned to you without fail.