Saturday, April 29, 2023

Past is a cancelled cheque, future is promissory note.

This analogy suggest that the past is like a cancelled cheque, which has already been paid and cannot be changed. Similarly, events that have already happened in our lives cannot be altered and we must learn to accept and move on from them. 

On the other hand,future is like a promissory note, which represents a promise to pay a certain amount at a later date. This suggest that the past cannot be altered or undone. On the other hand the future is compared to a promissory note, which is a written promise to pay a specified amount of money or positive results at a later date. It implies that future is not  fixed and can be shaped by the actions and decisions we make today. 

Just like a promissory note, can be altered or cancelled if the terms of agreement change, our
future also can be influenced by the choice we make along the way. Thus, this analogy emphasizes the importance of being proactive and taking responsibility for our actions in the present to shape our future. 

Therefore, it's important to focus to live in the pesent and make most out of it. The present moment is the the only thing that we can control over and make a difference in. We can use the present to learn from past experience and make better decisions for the future. By living in the present moment, we can prioritize our actions and make the most of our time. So, it is important to focus on the present and make the most out of it.