You will find The Master Course, published by Himalayan Academy, filled with philosophical, practical, soul-stirring information potent enough to inspire even a skeptic to change his ways of thinking about life and the ultimate goal of existence on this planet. Through The Master Course, the Academy has been the vehicle and catalyst of life-changing spiritual experiences for thousands of seekers since 1957.
The Master Course trilogy is based on the ashtanga yoga tradition of our lineage, the Nandinatha Sampradaya's Kailasa Parampara. Ashtanga yoga, also called raja yoga, has eight successive steps, each one dependent upon the one that precedes it. These eight successive steps are:
Yama (restraint)
Niyama (observance)
Asana (posture)
Pranayama (breath control)
Pratyahara (sense withdrawal)
Dharana (concentration)
Dhyana (meditation)
Samadhi (contemplation).
Find out how to study The Master Course here.
Please note: These three books are available in remarkably illustrated full-color editions, both paperback and hard cover. You may explore them online. See the Order page for details.