Yesterday, 13th April,2008 was the New Year Celebration for Tamilians around the world. SARVATHARI Putthandu is the commonly referred timeline for Tamils. A time divison scale dates back thousands of years ago. Hindu/Tamils wakes up early in the morning,decorates home and prayer alter, offer prayers(pooja) after adorning new clothes,and visits nearby temples for blessings from god/s.
Special vegetarian meals are prepared and enjoyed with families,relatives and friends. More ardent families will conduct special home prayers with singing of bhajans Theverams, Natchintahanai songs or any other devotional songs. `A mini Deepavali' of a kind, most Hindu/Tamils ensure each family members are back home and have blessing of their parents for wealth, health and prosperity.
I didn't return home this year, as I have to attend a special `seminar talk' at a local temple in Kulai. Need to deliver my talk to an audience of 300 odd people. Cousin sister, Shanti called up, asking to come over for a special lunch. So, I didn't actually miss New Year this Year back at home, Segamat. More than enough though of New Year, nevertheless, at sister's place, Taman Universiti.
Later in the evenings, were at Karpaga Vinayagar temple at Kelapa Sawit, Kulai to deliver a short speech to devotees. A good session and happy to reach them out and explained the significance and importance of knowing ones traditional/cultural richness! A positive and supportive crowd indeed.A new beginning transcends this year...I am looking forward very much to that...and to all out there, wish a Happy New Year as well....!!!