Talking of Vision 2020 as envisioned by our country leaders that requires to move the masses to achieve a developed nation standard by 2020, somehow gives me a slight blurry vision, if current or present situations of our nation are to be taken into consideration. Why? Simple, all ingredients needed (basics)for nationhood building still not firmly rooted. This may cause growing up to be a matured country by that age be a little stunted. Comparatively, we can liken a nation growth as a `person's growth' along his/her path to be an outstanding individual or a mediocre member among the best or least rank higher than a certain acceptable standard. In fact, even Singapore had refused to call herself as first world country because the inhabitants are still far cry below mark to have the kind of mental maturity to be a first class nation albeit having strings of A class infrastructures or top notched management resources at her disposal.
Just go around any neighbourhood in Malaysia, (Taman), most of it will not have an efficient transport system. If we were to benchmark Singapore, every housing area are connected to a main station via a feeder service bus providers that connect public to a main station, thence to series of other network of transport the public wish to take, like MRT, cabs and buses. Effective transport management and an efficient system. If you look at our system of transport, wow, to just to get from one place to another is such a hassle and tiring phenomena unless a family owns their own vehicle/mobile. We lack a feeder system to a localised satellite transport network that will encourage public to leave their own vehicle at home. Even in Japan, a director of a company takes public transport to work. Why we can't do that here?!
So much so everyone is jumping into the conclusion blaming the road congestion due to increased vehicles as main reason of poor transport. We resort to do more road networks that doesn't contribute to elevating or solving the basic issues.I am not being pessimistic nor scorning here, but these are real problems viewed from a grassroots level. Basic things that every common people do feel and be frustrated as to why local authorities unable to to solve simple issues yet we are talking about higher goals that escalate many social problems, spending billions of dollars ringgit unwisely in the name of development.
Look at housing area for the low income groups. So congested, dirty, not to a standard. Just built for the sake of building., no proper maintenance, no control and haphazard management housing system.If any problem arises, then only talk and discuss about it. These are old fashioned way of problem solving. Instead of having clear plan as how low cost housing area to be built with quality way of life to citizens of country, we just try to do patch work.
It amuses me when I saw a billboard erected at all strategic location along roadways comparing price items or gas from different ASEAN countries. Are our people that low in their mental capabilities? Come on, its just a an insult to or common sense. We need to compare with those items that need to be bench marked as how we are comparing in terms of governance, deliverance, management, technical aspects of proper housekeeping a neighborhood. If we look at most housing area, rubbish are strewn all over the place. To add to this many foreign workers to become a source of litter bugs everywhere. Look the area of Desa Cemerlang, Ulu Tiram, Johor Bahru, for example, you can just be horrified the way the rubbish are being thrown out at the alleys of shop houses, factory lots. No control, even they are scoot free to do as they please without any real punishment.
In Singapore, there are plain cloth undercover preventive officers who will `catch' litter bugs and issue ``summon tickets' that are subjected to attend court and pay fines or jail sentences for repeat offenders. I still remember in my childhood, each area of housing or government quarters, there will be a person (usually old lady or man) who will cleanup the surrounding areas and keep the locality tidy and neat. the long grown grasses (lalangs) will be trimmed at kept neat. Simple surroundings, yet so refreshing a view! I missed that kind of environment!! Now, we have to pay for it if wanted to go to a place where things are well kept and beautifully managed.(The memorial parks are excellent place nevertheless-ha-ha!!)
Gone are the days where we have high civic mindedness. The ever non stop pursue of material desires left us ``uncaring'' towards each other. We used to be so loving and taking care each other regardless of race and religion. Now this high pursuit of wanting to be rich at all cost caused us to drift apart and be antagonistic. I used to call neighbours father as `ayah', stay at their home during weekends, etc and vice verse. We as kids grace all open houses as a group of mixed races children and attend every house we could to collect ``extra money'' during major festivals. Where is that spirit gone now? Who changed that character of our society?
Such a rich nation with all resources, we're struggling move forward. We have the capability, all natural resources, people, rich and religiously inclined as compared to say people in countries like Japan, yet we're are still way behind though we know we are much better than we thought off. The reason I could think off is the big ``A'' in ``attitude'' and nothing to do with culture. We all from a good and excellent culture of various ethnics, just the right attitude is not there! To the Japanese, his work is God! They do the best to their `God'a.k.a work, naturally, their results are always for the highest goodness.
We built everything big and high to match others and proud off but we fail to built right attitude amongst our citizens. We allow mediocrity to creep in in every aspect of life. Solving problem via `money' or ``goodies'', short-cutting or circumventing to make work easier rather than taking the correct and right way in problem solving for long lasting positive effects. My list goes on and on...
Well, I concede, I don't have many solution for all, but I know very well that a nation progress depends on good leaders. Progressive, far sighted, fair,just, see and treat all as equal. Any man of God will always be doing the right thing! Errors a minor hiccups, self correction will be done and move on achieving common goals of his/her people.
Lets hope for a new dawn. My wishes are many that we could cherish one day in near future be a truly a nation of First World standard. Till then I can only pray hard and do whatever I can to help and be part of that grand vision!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Himalayan Academy Master Course Lessons

You will find The Master Course, published by Himalayan Academy, filled with philosophical, practical, soul-stirring information potent enough to inspire even a skeptic to change his ways of thinking about life and the ultimate goal of existence on this planet. Through The Master Course, the Academy has been the vehicle and catalyst of life-changing spiritual experiences for thousands of seekers since 1957.
The Master Course trilogy is based on the ashtanga yoga tradition of our lineage, the Nandinatha Sampradaya's Kailasa Parampara. Ashtanga yoga, also called raja yoga, has eight successive steps, each one dependent upon the one that precedes it. These eight successive steps are:
Yama (restraint)
Niyama (observance)
Asana (posture)
Pranayama (breath control)
Pratyahara (sense withdrawal)
Dharana (concentration)
Dhyana (meditation)
Samadhi (contemplation).
Find out how to study The Master Course here.
Please note: These three books are available in remarkably illustrated full-color editions, both paperback and hard cover. You may explore them online. See the Order page for details.
IRAIVAN TEMPLE - Chidambaram Of The West

A magnificent Siva temple is being built in the island of Kauai, Hawaii, United States.Known as the Chidambaram of the West because it is the only Siva temple in the western hemisphere, styled after temples of Chola. This massive 3,000,000 pound in all pure granite stone were carved in Bangalore, India and shipped some 8,000 miles away to Kauai, Hawaii. Iraivan is an incredible vision and mission manifestation of HH Sivayasubramuniyaswami, who is fondly known as Gurudeva throughout the world, was an American by birth, a renaissance mystical Hindu saint.
HH vision of Lord Siva when looking for an ideal place to build a temple of paradise is the curretly the place where Iraivan is being constructed. At he cost of US$16,000,000, Iraivan will become the 108th Siva temple as prophesied by one of our ancient Nayanars, Saint Manikavasagar who had sang all the 108 Siva temple. It was only recently found and we are truely amazed at the similarity /prophecy of Saint Manikavasagar's mentioning of ``Kauvai koyil'' as the 108Th lost & found Siva temple in one of the Thevaram song stanzas centuries ago.
The powerful and wish fulfilling temple will have a 300kg, 3 foot 50 million years old pure naturally formed, 6 pointed white crystal, ``spatika' Lingam in the inner sanctum is a ``kalpaka'' Sivalingam - spiritual fullfilling and ever giving. Pilgrimage,``punitha yatra''to temple of ``kaivalya'' - granting freedom of the past and vision for the future, is as similar going to any of India's well known temples!
Pilgrimage to Iraivan will transform your life. Kauai,a paradise, an island where heaven meets earth. Place where Iraivan is, welcomes pilgrims around the world.Magical and wonderful moments waits you, right from the moment you step in this island.
Malaysian devotees joins in hand to support Iraivan's manifestation by sponsoring exqusite rose colored granite floor-stone. Special mention by HH Satguru Sivayasubramuniyaswami of how Malaysian devotees can be part and proud of Iraivan.
You too can be a sponsor and receive blessings! Be a temple builder now!
For more information and details, please surf/mail to :
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
TFA(JB) Vibrates & Colors Local Cultural Scene

Temple of Fine Arts (JB) Vibrates & Colors Local Cultural Scene With Selfless Service
Amongst ``music oasis source’’ in Johor Bahru one could visit, enroll to be student and gain the finest of Indian traditional music knowledge is Temple of Fine Arts. Located at Jalan Dapat, behind Hyatt Hotel, TFA (JB) offers quality classical music courses, both vocal and instruments. This well known institution among music lovers in JB has been steadily growing in strength and churns out outstanding local talents over the years. Brainchild of a great visionary celibate saintly monk, HH Swami Shantanand Saraswati who started Temple of Fine Arts establishments around the world with an aim of serving, loving and giving selflessly to humankind, in particular the poor as well be an umbrella to focus his disciple and followers in gaining pure spiritual knowledge while maintaining their feet aground, serving and music become a channel to attain that pathway, in a persuasive albeit in an artistic way.
Hundreds of students, from all walks of life, transcending race and religious barrier are enrolled in this institute. Music courses that are offered are for Veena, Flute, Baratha Natyam, Odisi, Carnatic Vocal, Tabla and Mrithangam. A highly dedicated professional music teachers, from local and oversea (Singapore), extends their service teaching students with high standard and proper syllabus structure. Lately, number well known musical talents from TFA stable as well from oversea had been performing to the joy of local classical music followers. Johor Bahru cultural scene has been enriched further by these high caliber performing artists and activities carried by administrative staffs of TFA (JB) with collaboration with their international counterparts.
If you could just pay a visit to TFA (JB) on a regular Saturday or a Sunday, the rhythmic dance steps in unison of city folk’s young kids, youths & adults practicing music pieces to tune of catchy classical songs, coordinated by their teachers and in a watchful eye of their eager parents are a common scene not to be missed. Interviewed with parents of students had unearthed many positive comments and praises. One parent said this, ``My kid has been more focused and shows good dedication in her personal activities nowadays as a result of training she gets in her music classes. Her studies in school have improved and she now blends with only good company. She has been talking about taking up music as a rewarding career in future. I am happy and glad that I enrolled her in TFA’’
TFA (JB) too has a resident monk who provides a strong spiritual back bone to this institution apart from their late founder, Patron, HH Swami Shantanand Saraswati. Reverend Swami Sivaprabanandha, an initiated Swami (monk) in the lineage of Swami Sivananda (saint), founder of Divine Life Society (DLS) who had initiated late HH Swami Shantanand Saraswati. Reverend Swamiji (called fondly) often can be seen mingling amongst the ordinary folks. An unassuming ``Sanyasin’’ (monk), he offers high spiritual insights in a simple way and counseling to those who seek his advice. ``Swamiji’’ was supported with many spirited, dedicated and service oriented family members and devotees of HH Shanthanand Saraswati.
While TFA not only providing selfless service in the area of classical / traditional music, she also serves in other equally important activities. Spiritual strength awakening that will lead devotees, students and public members to become positive and resourceful citizen of the country. To this , ``Sivanjali Ashram’’, located near Bukit Kempas serves this purpose as well in the planned pipeline of hosting for a charitable cause in the form of free clinic services to old folks and the neediest. ``Shantha medical’’, mobile service which is currently in operation, offers free medical treatment to the poor provided by volunteer medical practitioners who extend their services with love and without monetary rewards. TFA (JB) needs more of such doctors or medical field professionals to further carry out their mission effectively.
Lastly, not forgetting to mention about ``Annalaksmi’’, an elegant and stylish set-up, ``Eat as you wish, pay as you will’’ restaurant located along Jalan Tepi Laut for you to enjoy varieties of exquisite and genuine tasty vegetarian foods. Opened last year with a noble motive, inspired by TFA Patron / Founder, Swami Shanthanand Saraswati - Foods are nutritiously cooked in ``Ayurveda's’’ method with pure love and good heart; blends to nourish and enrich the physical and mental constituents of diners. Mainly, this place also provides a good meal to those who actually don't have the ability to get a decent meal for various reasons (poverty). It’s open from 9.00am – 3pm daily except Sunday. All staffs are non-paid family members who do their job with love and selfless dedication. Don’t be surprised if you meet TFA's resident monk, teachers, lawyers, doctors, accountants or professionals from every walk of life serving you unassumingly with a warm heart and sweet smile on the day you drop in for a lunch/meal. Indeed, TFA (JB) has become another permanent feature in the ever dynamic city of Johor Bahru.
For more information:-
Call TFA (JB) at 07-2227400
Monday, April 21, 2008
``Basic organization'' - a talk/seminar
``Basic organisation'' - management perspective
Yesterday, I was invited to give a 2 hours talk on ``Organization'' and how to run in an effective way to a group of people who absolutely have no idea but so so eager to know more.
Started with explaining :
1. What is an organization?
2. What an organization is made off?
3. Organization structure?
4. Who are the people?
5. What is the purpose of an organization?
6. What are the visions and mission of an organization?
7. How to to define role and responsibilities for members?
8. Planning , scheduling, doing/implementing monitoring, checking,
and standardization. (PDCA - Deming cycle)
9. Sustaining and being relevant.
At end of my seminar, I could see and gauge their happiness and raised knowledge
on the said topic.More similar `deliveries' are in pipeline as mean add greater
sense of responsibility and the need to equip themselves to organize an organization effectively that yields measurable positive results.
Yesterday, I was invited to give a 2 hours talk on ``Organization'' and how to run in an effective way to a group of people who absolutely have no idea but so so eager to know more.
Started with explaining :
1. What is an organization?
2. What an organization is made off?
3. Organization structure?
4. Who are the people?
5. What is the purpose of an organization?
6. What are the visions and mission of an organization?
7. How to to define role and responsibilities for members?
8. Planning , scheduling, doing/implementing monitoring, checking,
and standardization. (PDCA - Deming cycle)
9. Sustaining and being relevant.
At end of my seminar, I could see and gauge their happiness and raised knowledge
on the said topic.More similar `deliveries' are in pipeline as mean add greater
sense of responsibility and the need to equip themselves to organize an organization effectively that yields measurable positive results.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Happy Tamil New Year (Tamil Puthandu Nal Valthukal)

Yesterday, 13th April,2008 was the New Year Celebration for Tamilians around the world. SARVATHARI Putthandu is the commonly referred timeline for Tamils. A time divison scale dates back thousands of years ago. Hindu/Tamils wakes up early in the morning,decorates home and prayer alter, offer prayers(pooja) after adorning new clothes,and visits nearby temples for blessings from god/s.
Special vegetarian meals are prepared and enjoyed with families,relatives and friends. More ardent families will conduct special home prayers with singing of bhajans Theverams, Natchintahanai songs or any other devotional songs. `A mini Deepavali' of a kind, most Hindu/Tamils ensure each family members are back home and have blessing of their parents for wealth, health and prosperity.
I didn't return home this year, as I have to attend a special `seminar talk' at a local temple in Kulai. Need to deliver my talk to an audience of 300 odd people. Cousin sister, Shanti called up, asking to come over for a special lunch. So, I didn't actually miss New Year this Year back at home, Segamat. More than enough though of New Year, nevertheless, at sister's place, Taman Universiti.
Later in the evenings, were at Karpaga Vinayagar temple at Kelapa Sawit, Kulai to deliver a short speech to devotees. A good session and happy to reach them out and explained the significance and importance of knowing ones traditional/cultural richness! A positive and supportive crowd indeed.A new beginning transcends this year...I am looking forward very much to that...and to all out there, wish a Happy New Year as well....!!!
Happy Birthday Teacher!

Yoges Teacher's Birthday falls in this month. We wished her Many Happy Returns Of The Day. May the Good Lord Bless Her Always. Even on her birthday, teacher wonderfully spent her day with us in the class,( students) despite having to travel from Singapore and belated her family gathering later at night! Therefore, we are indeed proud and honored to have her to be our teacher. Her birthday also well meant to be our birthdays - symbolically meaning, every time she teaches us lessons, we're dawning to have another ``new birth of mind '' of being better and better in our lessons.
January 08 - Melaka Trip narrative!
I was thinking hard what to do for this year’s CYC’s (Chinese New Year) holidays? Each year, I spent the days in my hometown, Segamat. This time around, for a change, I nevertheless couldn’t resist my younger sister’s request, asking me to take a trip, down to her place, Malacca. ``Good idea’’, I told myself. ``Why not, just enjoy the time with her and her family’’, my heart further reaffirmed in assurance.
Mr. Mogan and his family came down all the way from Klang and stayed overnight in Kulai, picking up his mother the following day en-route to Klang and a stopover at Malacca; had a pre-arranged lunch at sister’s place before continuing their journey after visiting Sidhi Vinayagar temple in Cheng and to a century old Murugan temple, ``Sannasi Koyil ’’, near Batu Berendam.
Left Kulai at 10.30am. Highway (PLUS) started to swell with motorcars, buses, lorries, vans with holiday makers and those who are rushing back to their hometowns. Beeline queue begins a kilometer just after collecting highway toll ticket. Traffic flow was heavy till Air Hitam. Fearing a massive jam, Mogan stopped at Macap to suggest we take an old road, exit Air Hitam and follow Batu Pahat trunk road towards Malacca, but at a longer journey time. Our fears were allayed; on a second thought, a quick about turn, decided to take a small calculated risk, use highway (PLUS) again. It turned out to be a correct decision after all! The road was back to normal, smooth flow. We could accelerate up to maximum speed limit of 110 km.
We reached Ayer Keroh toll at 1.30pm, and proceeded to sister’s place, at Pantai Klebang. I made a bad decision to drive through city center instead of using the inner village road, less used by motorists. We were caught in a jam that slowed us for almost an hour. Upon reaching sister’s home, she feasted us with a sumptuous vegetarian lunch. She also insist us visit couple of temples.
First, we visited Siddhi Vinayagar temple in Cheng industrial estate. It was a beautifully built Ganesha temple. However, to our dismay, when we reached, the temple is closed. We viewed from afar. After that, we drove down to Batu Berendam. Famed Sannasi’s Thendayuthapaani (Murugan temple), more than a century old temple situated in a Malay village (mid 1800). Temple is one of the famous old temples in Malaysia. Full of mystical events and rich historical past, it draws thousands of visitors, devotees and curious public members on each festival day.
Temple was built and is devoted to a mystical ``sanyasi’’ who was a cowherd, an ardent devotee of Lord Siva and lead a detached life in solitude. The older Malay residents says his rituals includes of bathing a ``Syambulingam’’ each day with water from a nearby stream. Malay village folks often helped him in carrying buckets of water for bathing the ``Lingam’’. Their admiration and respect to this ``Sanyasi’’ were deeply embedded in them even till today. Devotees from Malaysia and Singapore throng in, during festival and holiday sessions. They pay their respect to ``Samadhi’’ of Sannasi, located just at the corner of the temple compound. ``Makeshift tent shade is made covering his burial ground. `Sivalingam’ graha was erected for worshipers to offer prayers. ``Arasamaram’’ tree branches beside this Samadhi were full with orange, yellow and red cloths tied around by devotees making or fulfilling their vows/prayers.
Orally compiled story, handed down through couple of generation cycle, about this mystical man, as narrated by village folks, said ``Sannasi’’ had requested them to bury him alive after he stopped breathing while in meditating position - ``Jivasamadhi’’. Somehow rather, this temple, now became Lord Murugan temple, but in the sanctum sanctorum of this temple, presence of ``Sivalingam’’ is noted apart from Deity of Lord Murugan. ``Malacca Chettiar’’ community/trustee is taking care in managing Sannasi temple. In the month of February each year, a grand festival will be held, kind of a ``mini Thaipusam’’ where devotees will fulfill their vows by carrying ``kavadi’’, ``paal kudam’’, shaving heads and finale of the religious event is chariot procession of Lord Muruga. Estimated more than 30,000 devotees attend to this temple on each festival session.
Just before bade goodbye to Mr. Mogan and his family, we managed to stop and paid a short visit to Mariaman temple, famously known for stories of ``mystical horses’’ that were said act as guardian of the temple and village. The temple is situated in a rubber plantation near Alor Gajah. This temple is also known as ``Kuthirai Koyil’’ – ``temple of horses’’ by locals Hindus.
No night outing, except drove sister and her kids to Pantai medical center. Her son, five years old Rajadhasan, had viral fever for the past one month and is on medication. She has to bring him there for intravenous administered antibiotic dose, twice each day. We had dinner at a relative’s house in Bukit Beruang. On the following day, Friday, 8th February, followed her visiting her Chinese friends who had ``open house’’. I like this one particular Chinese family friend of her. They are Chinese Baba Malacca. We were treated in a particular Malay traditional reception. The elder members of this family speak fluent Malay and incorporated many Malay culture and traditional practices into their daily life activities.
I was engrossed in conversation with the elderly Nyonya & Baba Malacca couples while the rest were gaily munching away tasty `home fried ground nuts, cashew nuts and other home made cookies’. Although the prayer alter is typically Chinese, but others were mostly Malay floured decoration heritage items. ``Malaysia Bahagia’’ concept of difference races living under one roof is very much vividly portrayed in this house. I saw kids, product of inter-race marriages rooming, playing and running about in the house. Elderly couples grandchildren consist of Malay-Muslim, Chinese- Christian, Indian-Hindus and this family themselves are Buddhist-Taoist – all under one roof!!! Truly a Malaysian family.
Late in the evening, we made a quick city round drive tour, walkabout into ``Little India’’ street and dinner at Chinese vegetarian restaurant at Bandar Hilir, Malacca. Bandar Hilir was jammed and packed with holiday makers, foreign travelers and tourists. Parked my car near Bukit China, where 15th century Princess Hang Li Po’s well is situated. Every corner of Malacca town is packed with people from all walks of life. Electricity powered Chinese lanterns brightens and engulfs most of the city center roads/streets in rays of red lights. Old Dutch fort had streams of visitors climbing up and viewed the city from top of the hill. At the riverside (Sungai Melaka), replica of few centuries old Dutch merchant ship, Flor De Lama too had streams of visitors.
Latest attraction is cruise along Malacca River on a cruise boat (similar to that in Venice). Priced at RM$10, one our round trip is well worth for the money paid. The terminal point where people queue up to buy tickets was really terribly flocked! I decided not get down from my car, instead, just drive through the inner one way roads, gazed through car’s window Malacca museum, Portuguese settlement village, St Paul church, St Paul’s Institution, Poiya Pillayar temple (built in 1700 century), Chinese temple, and old masjid (Indian Muslim), Malacca China Town, Hang Jebat’s burial ground ( a Malay warrior in the era of Hang Tuah and his famous friends, Hang Lekiu, Hang Kasturi, Hang Lekir ), Jalan Parameswara (an Hindu King who settled in ancient Malacca and married to local a Malay princess). He then became Sultan Muzaffar Shah. That’s all for the day’s program! Retired to sleep at 2.00am.
Saturday, 9th February – relatively much more subdued. Drove to Tangkak (famous for textile merchants) and picked up mother who took public transport from Segamat. While we had used PLUS highway to Tangkak town, we decided to drive by old trunk road, Jasin. Serene landscape with many local villages, fruit orchards, laid back modern village folks. Mountain sceneries at the back are a contrast from those in Johor Bahru or Kulai which are filled with high rise concrete buildings! Entered through south border of Malacca, we stopped at Kampung Duyong where Hang Tuah was said were born and became a legendary local warrior in Malay annals in ancient kingdom of Malacca Sultanate.
The ``well’’ (perigi Hang Tuah) of Kampung Duyong is antiquated and gazeted as a one of Malaysia heritage sites and managed by Ministry of Arts, Heritage and Culture. Hang Tuah was believed to have dug himself a well in this village and known to local folks to have therapeutic medicinal ( mystical) effects to those who seen here washed their legs, face or bottled to bring back home as other beneficial remedies. Village folks are basically proud to have this mystical well and said will not go dry, even in the most severe draught session!
At night, had a down-town, Bandar Hilir drive-through and went to a beautiful Amman Temple, near Alur Gajah. Situated right on top of a hill, it was a magnificent temple. Built recently, the interior wall decorations and murals are superb and fantastic! I wonder, the beauty of carvings done by carvers / ``silpis’’ or knows as stone carvers who had their hands chiseled their ``subjects – angelic’’ exquisite and attractively. Incredible crafmenship!
A well spent holiday. More places need to be covered for my next holiday trip. Journey back home to Kulai was a `ride to hell’ episode. Massive jam from Pagoh, right all the way to Kulai for a staggering 5 hours!! An exhaustive drive at snail pace. Reached home at about 5pm – Home sweet home…..
Mr. Mogan and his family came down all the way from Klang and stayed overnight in Kulai, picking up his mother the following day en-route to Klang and a stopover at Malacca; had a pre-arranged lunch at sister’s place before continuing their journey after visiting Sidhi Vinayagar temple in Cheng and to a century old Murugan temple, ``Sannasi Koyil ’’, near Batu Berendam.
Left Kulai at 10.30am. Highway (PLUS) started to swell with motorcars, buses, lorries, vans with holiday makers and those who are rushing back to their hometowns. Beeline queue begins a kilometer just after collecting highway toll ticket. Traffic flow was heavy till Air Hitam. Fearing a massive jam, Mogan stopped at Macap to suggest we take an old road, exit Air Hitam and follow Batu Pahat trunk road towards Malacca, but at a longer journey time. Our fears were allayed; on a second thought, a quick about turn, decided to take a small calculated risk, use highway (PLUS) again. It turned out to be a correct decision after all! The road was back to normal, smooth flow. We could accelerate up to maximum speed limit of 110 km.
We reached Ayer Keroh toll at 1.30pm, and proceeded to sister’s place, at Pantai Klebang. I made a bad decision to drive through city center instead of using the inner village road, less used by motorists. We were caught in a jam that slowed us for almost an hour. Upon reaching sister’s home, she feasted us with a sumptuous vegetarian lunch. She also insist us visit couple of temples.
First, we visited Siddhi Vinayagar temple in Cheng industrial estate. It was a beautifully built Ganesha temple. However, to our dismay, when we reached, the temple is closed. We viewed from afar. After that, we drove down to Batu Berendam. Famed Sannasi’s Thendayuthapaani (Murugan temple), more than a century old temple situated in a Malay village (mid 1800). Temple is one of the famous old temples in Malaysia. Full of mystical events and rich historical past, it draws thousands of visitors, devotees and curious public members on each festival day.
Temple was built and is devoted to a mystical ``sanyasi’’ who was a cowherd, an ardent devotee of Lord Siva and lead a detached life in solitude. The older Malay residents says his rituals includes of bathing a ``Syambulingam’’ each day with water from a nearby stream. Malay village folks often helped him in carrying buckets of water for bathing the ``Lingam’’. Their admiration and respect to this ``Sanyasi’’ were deeply embedded in them even till today. Devotees from Malaysia and Singapore throng in, during festival and holiday sessions. They pay their respect to ``Samadhi’’ of Sannasi, located just at the corner of the temple compound. ``Makeshift tent shade is made covering his burial ground. `Sivalingam’ graha was erected for worshipers to offer prayers. ``Arasamaram’’ tree branches beside this Samadhi were full with orange, yellow and red cloths tied around by devotees making or fulfilling their vows/prayers.
Orally compiled story, handed down through couple of generation cycle, about this mystical man, as narrated by village folks, said ``Sannasi’’ had requested them to bury him alive after he stopped breathing while in meditating position - ``Jivasamadhi’’. Somehow rather, this temple, now became Lord Murugan temple, but in the sanctum sanctorum of this temple, presence of ``Sivalingam’’ is noted apart from Deity of Lord Murugan. ``Malacca Chettiar’’ community/trustee is taking care in managing Sannasi temple. In the month of February each year, a grand festival will be held, kind of a ``mini Thaipusam’’ where devotees will fulfill their vows by carrying ``kavadi’’, ``paal kudam’’, shaving heads and finale of the religious event is chariot procession of Lord Muruga. Estimated more than 30,000 devotees attend to this temple on each festival session.
Just before bade goodbye to Mr. Mogan and his family, we managed to stop and paid a short visit to Mariaman temple, famously known for stories of ``mystical horses’’ that were said act as guardian of the temple and village. The temple is situated in a rubber plantation near Alor Gajah. This temple is also known as ``Kuthirai Koyil’’ – ``temple of horses’’ by locals Hindus.
No night outing, except drove sister and her kids to Pantai medical center. Her son, five years old Rajadhasan, had viral fever for the past one month and is on medication. She has to bring him there for intravenous administered antibiotic dose, twice each day. We had dinner at a relative’s house in Bukit Beruang. On the following day, Friday, 8th February, followed her visiting her Chinese friends who had ``open house’’. I like this one particular Chinese family friend of her. They are Chinese Baba Malacca. We were treated in a particular Malay traditional reception. The elder members of this family speak fluent Malay and incorporated many Malay culture and traditional practices into their daily life activities.
I was engrossed in conversation with the elderly Nyonya & Baba Malacca couples while the rest were gaily munching away tasty `home fried ground nuts, cashew nuts and other home made cookies’. Although the prayer alter is typically Chinese, but others were mostly Malay floured decoration heritage items. ``Malaysia Bahagia’’ concept of difference races living under one roof is very much vividly portrayed in this house. I saw kids, product of inter-race marriages rooming, playing and running about in the house. Elderly couples grandchildren consist of Malay-Muslim, Chinese- Christian, Indian-Hindus and this family themselves are Buddhist-Taoist – all under one roof!!! Truly a Malaysian family.
Late in the evening, we made a quick city round drive tour, walkabout into ``Little India’’ street and dinner at Chinese vegetarian restaurant at Bandar Hilir, Malacca. Bandar Hilir was jammed and packed with holiday makers, foreign travelers and tourists. Parked my car near Bukit China, where 15th century Princess Hang Li Po’s well is situated. Every corner of Malacca town is packed with people from all walks of life. Electricity powered Chinese lanterns brightens and engulfs most of the city center roads/streets in rays of red lights. Old Dutch fort had streams of visitors climbing up and viewed the city from top of the hill. At the riverside (Sungai Melaka), replica of few centuries old Dutch merchant ship, Flor De Lama too had streams of visitors.
Latest attraction is cruise along Malacca River on a cruise boat (similar to that in Venice). Priced at RM$10, one our round trip is well worth for the money paid. The terminal point where people queue up to buy tickets was really terribly flocked! I decided not get down from my car, instead, just drive through the inner one way roads, gazed through car’s window Malacca museum, Portuguese settlement village, St Paul church, St Paul’s Institution, Poiya Pillayar temple (built in 1700 century), Chinese temple, and old masjid (Indian Muslim), Malacca China Town, Hang Jebat’s burial ground ( a Malay warrior in the era of Hang Tuah and his famous friends, Hang Lekiu, Hang Kasturi, Hang Lekir ), Jalan Parameswara (an Hindu King who settled in ancient Malacca and married to local a Malay princess). He then became Sultan Muzaffar Shah. That’s all for the day’s program! Retired to sleep at 2.00am.
Saturday, 9th February – relatively much more subdued. Drove to Tangkak (famous for textile merchants) and picked up mother who took public transport from Segamat. While we had used PLUS highway to Tangkak town, we decided to drive by old trunk road, Jasin. Serene landscape with many local villages, fruit orchards, laid back modern village folks. Mountain sceneries at the back are a contrast from those in Johor Bahru or Kulai which are filled with high rise concrete buildings! Entered through south border of Malacca, we stopped at Kampung Duyong where Hang Tuah was said were born and became a legendary local warrior in Malay annals in ancient kingdom of Malacca Sultanate.
The ``well’’ (perigi Hang Tuah) of Kampung Duyong is antiquated and gazeted as a one of Malaysia heritage sites and managed by Ministry of Arts, Heritage and Culture. Hang Tuah was believed to have dug himself a well in this village and known to local folks to have therapeutic medicinal ( mystical) effects to those who seen here washed their legs, face or bottled to bring back home as other beneficial remedies. Village folks are basically proud to have this mystical well and said will not go dry, even in the most severe draught session!
At night, had a down-town, Bandar Hilir drive-through and went to a beautiful Amman Temple, near Alur Gajah. Situated right on top of a hill, it was a magnificent temple. Built recently, the interior wall decorations and murals are superb and fantastic! I wonder, the beauty of carvings done by carvers / ``silpis’’ or knows as stone carvers who had their hands chiseled their ``subjects – angelic’’ exquisite and attractively. Incredible crafmenship!
A well spent holiday. More places need to be covered for my next holiday trip. Journey back home to Kulai was a `ride to hell’ episode. Massive jam from Pagoh, right all the way to Kulai for a staggering 5 hours!! An exhaustive drive at snail pace. Reached home at about 5pm – Home sweet home…..
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