Crazy? No, I knew well that plants do ``talk'' and as a proof, many latest research articles have been published to support this ``theory''. It's a common craze for plant enthusiasts in many western countries to ``make the plant happy'' by many means and methods. I decided to do my own test that theory by engaging a `plant talk'' right here, at home. Emm..what did I asked? Well, simple questions like, how are you? Common greeting's like good morning, afternoon, evening and night, etc. Yes! I could see the difference in their growing & fertile development when I engage with them on a daily basis. On the day when they're not being greeted, they seem to have an aura of sad mood feelings. How? The plants leaves looses its lushly rich greener tones as compared when greeted. I gave them individual names and call them as that given name. Their response seems to be better and grew `healthier''. Don't believe me? ha ha...why not try it out yourself....worth the effort!
The idea is ``Go Green & Plant More Trees''
``We Care For Our Environment''