Friday, July 11, 2008

Farewell To Ng Su Ling & Chu Teck Keong

Their minds were as colorful as these kites they presented to us!
Teck Keong & Su Ling

With Ken, who was a former UTMian', now with us..

Today is the final work reporting day for 2 wonderful and energetic industrial trainees, Ng Su Ling & Chu Teck Keong from University Technology Malaysia(UTM, Skudai). Both are majoring in Mathematics studies. It was great to have them assigned under my supervision and watching them `sweating' out to be acquainted with manufacturing systems and industrial life for the past 2 1/2 months. A rare characteristics that I' m not seeing in many young undergraduates or even graduates nowadays; they are full of innovative and practical imagination in delivering their projects. Reminds me of a similar `process transformation'' I had undergone, back during my industrial training period, where it was sheer hard work thrown at me by the MNC company that I was attached. I wished them best of luck and have plenty of confidence in them that they will shine in their future career endeavors & become a productive citizen of this country.