Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Happy Thoughts
Happy Thoughts
Every One is born to be Happy,
Though none of us knew how happy it will be.
So, today we knew that the sweetest thing that
we can have is being happy that others are happy though we may at times feel unhappy. Nevertheless life is meant to be lived happily and joyously!
With many happy thoughts!
Ravichandran Ceyon
Every One is born to be Happy,
Though none of us knew how happy it will be.
So, today we knew that the sweetest thing that
we can have is being happy that others are happy though we may at times feel unhappy. Nevertheless life is meant to be lived happily and joyously!
With many happy thoughts!
Ravichandran Ceyon
Monday, July 21, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Farewell To Ng Su Ling & Chu Teck Keong

With Ken, who was a former UTMian', now with us..

Today is the final work reporting day for 2 wonderful and energetic industrial trainees, Ng Su Ling & Chu Teck Keong from University Technology Malaysia(UTM, Skudai). Both are majoring in Mathematics studies. It was great to have them assigned under my supervision and watching them `sweating' out to be acquainted with manufacturing systems and industrial life for the past 2 1/2 months. A rare characteristics that I' m not seeing in many young undergraduates or even graduates nowadays; they are full of innovative and practical imagination in delivering their projects. Reminds me of a similar `process transformation'' I had undergone, back during my industrial training period, where it was sheer hard work thrown at me by the MNC company that I was attached. I wished them best of luck and have plenty of confidence in them that they will shine in their future career endeavors & become a productive citizen of this country.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The Art Of Giving
Have you ever wondered what happens each time we depart some kind of give outs or handouts to the underprivileged lots? The mere thoughts that we are a ``giver’’ overwhelms us to a certain degree, raising to a even higher thought that we have a upper hand gain as compared to these members of our society.
In many ways, we too are confined to a shallow understanding notion that we are a ``giver’’ all the time. However, deep down in our hearts, we do realize the implying wisdom that as a `giver’, we too, once upon a time (or in many life times before this) had been a ``receiver’’.
Yes, it is definitely an art! GIVING – giving what we have to those who need them genuinely, creates a soft and warm feeling, once the act of Giving is done. We feel light, humbled, sensitive to others plights.
Have you ever came across incidents, probably in your teenage years or now, such as soon you had pull out some cash or coins from your pants pockets or wallet to give away to the an unsuspected beggar or stranger who came by and asked for pittance or desperate help, you noticed later, you yourself hadn't have enough coins to return home? You walked few kilometers journey back to home with blanks thoughts and the reward - wet, drenched out, soaked in your own sweats!
The habit of giving is a compulsive action, once done often, it becomes a positive character. The more we give, the more we are ready, willing and happy to realize in giving away our little ``impermanent’’ possessions over time. Slices slowly away our ``Ego'' too.
Whatever thing that we do, we put many efforts to make sure, there would be a chance given to us extend our ``compulsive positive habit’’ to give, even in giving out some of our precious time as a small sacrifice for a good cause.
Sometimes, we do tend to be a little cynical to give. As we argue with ourselves or others, `Why I should give, when that person is lazy to earn a decent living?’’, or, `He/She doesn't deserve to be given, why should I give?
Example that I can give is that of a commonly know fact to all of us and used to be in news reports of unscrupulous groups who uses severely handicapped people begging at the ``night bazaars’’ in our townships every weekends.
When I passed by, seeing them lying down with young kids besides, holding plastic cups as ``coin baskets’’, my heart would pound faster and prompt my sensitive mind to ask, ``why? Shall I give or pretend not to know? They must be bogus? Worst still they may actually leech money from the ``able handicaps’’ amongst us?
Just as about to leave away from the place, a second thought strikes the damper and softer spot of the ``self’’ and loudly says, ``Give, you selfish man’’. No, other thoughts, just GIVE, any amount you feel OK’’
Then, momentarily, the hand just drop into the pockets, searching for a few coins or loose notes and gently place then in that ``coin baskets’’ without asking any questions but just felt relieved that I had just given without further analyzing or reasoning but realize that the art of giving is HEALING as well. In the initial stage, it hurts, but heals later on and soothes the heart. The cycle repeats to become a natural habit to be an expert in THE ART OF GIVING.
Why wait! Give For A Good Cause And It Returns Without Fail, Always!
In many ways, we too are confined to a shallow understanding notion that we are a ``giver’’ all the time. However, deep down in our hearts, we do realize the implying wisdom that as a `giver’, we too, once upon a time (or in many life times before this) had been a ``receiver’’.
Yes, it is definitely an art! GIVING – giving what we have to those who need them genuinely, creates a soft and warm feeling, once the act of Giving is done. We feel light, humbled, sensitive to others plights.
Have you ever came across incidents, probably in your teenage years or now, such as soon you had pull out some cash or coins from your pants pockets or wallet to give away to the an unsuspected beggar or stranger who came by and asked for pittance or desperate help, you noticed later, you yourself hadn't have enough coins to return home? You walked few kilometers journey back to home with blanks thoughts and the reward - wet, drenched out, soaked in your own sweats!
The habit of giving is a compulsive action, once done often, it becomes a positive character. The more we give, the more we are ready, willing and happy to realize in giving away our little ``impermanent’’ possessions over time. Slices slowly away our ``Ego'' too.
Whatever thing that we do, we put many efforts to make sure, there would be a chance given to us extend our ``compulsive positive habit’’ to give, even in giving out some of our precious time as a small sacrifice for a good cause.
Sometimes, we do tend to be a little cynical to give. As we argue with ourselves or others, `Why I should give, when that person is lazy to earn a decent living?’’, or, `He/She doesn't deserve to be given, why should I give?
Example that I can give is that of a commonly know fact to all of us and used to be in news reports of unscrupulous groups who uses severely handicapped people begging at the ``night bazaars’’ in our townships every weekends.
When I passed by, seeing them lying down with young kids besides, holding plastic cups as ``coin baskets’’, my heart would pound faster and prompt my sensitive mind to ask, ``why? Shall I give or pretend not to know? They must be bogus? Worst still they may actually leech money from the ``able handicaps’’ amongst us?
Just as about to leave away from the place, a second thought strikes the damper and softer spot of the ``self’’ and loudly says, ``Give, you selfish man’’. No, other thoughts, just GIVE, any amount you feel OK’’
Then, momentarily, the hand just drop into the pockets, searching for a few coins or loose notes and gently place then in that ``coin baskets’’ without asking any questions but just felt relieved that I had just given without further analyzing or reasoning but realize that the art of giving is HEALING as well. In the initial stage, it hurts, but heals later on and soothes the heart. The cycle repeats to become a natural habit to be an expert in THE ART OF GIVING.
Why wait! Give For A Good Cause And It Returns Without Fail, Always!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Talking to Plants

The idea is ``Go Green & Plant More Trees''
``We Care For Our Environment''
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