Sunday, July 21, 2019

Live life as how you feel, right now!

Life is short. Just carry on living a life that you wished it would fit you to live. No one is more knowledgeable than yourself about you own-self and well-being. People can say anything that want, advice and gives tonnes of opinions on how to live, but it doesn’t make any different to you at all.

Your breath is worth for yourself only. Nobody can breathe for you. They will never know what you went through from the moment you’re born. They never walked your footsteps to feel the pain and pleasure. However positive their view upon your life, living moment to moment and being in the now is always the self. They can express how they are feeling about you but they are unable to fathom the depth of your inner core self.

There is no right or wrong, as long you don’t cause trouble and miseries upon others. Even the religious views are also being just an opinion that you may not take it too seriously. I realized that religious tenets belief system is just intoxicating as drug. Be a human first before claiming that we are a spiritual or religious person. Religious and spiritual people are one of the worst species known to mankind. They are so hypocritical and damaging race in the entire planet. They pray to an unknown GOD, but hurt, injure and kill all living things.

Religious people pretend they are so humble and obedient to their creator, but they act the opposite to their fellow human beings and animals. They impose their belief system, congregate among their like-minded group and condemn others who are not in their fold. I view religion as just not more than trying to please the self to stay relevant and bargain with the GOD or creator for better living condition here and hereafter. None have so far have proved the existence of GOD. It was narrated by old religious institution, persons who proclaimed have illumination and vision of GOD and what they’re told to do to human kind according to their geographical area where they’re born. They propagate and convert others into their newfound claiming they’re the most authentic and purest form of religion.

Not that I am an atheist, don’t get me wrong, I am believer of GOD or creator, but I came to psychological juncture that after going through more than fifty years of life experience, nature is the GOD, where mother and father is our first known GOD.