This mission accomplishment was fulfilled after 3 years of " tense candle burning years"; after work studies and sacrificing much part of my normal life. Foregoing lunch hours, staying back after work, rushing to class attending tutorials, staying very late to finish assignments, missing most of usual stuffs like cooking simple foods, house chores, and balancing music lessons. back and forth from Singapore. How could I forget the days I wrote project assignments and course assignments at cafeterias, open eateries, libraries, workplace (during break-hours), rest areas along highways?!!
I must admit, it was satisfying moment in my life. It took me so many failures. Dropped out from five universities, local and abroad due to financial constraints and other personal reasons since my collage graduation in 1987. "Never too late for education", my ex-boss, Mr Chai Kim Hian encouraged me to continue my MBA during our morning tea-break at workplace. He played a crucial factor paving way for me to pursue higher education while still employed as Quality Manager in his organization. Thanks a million to Mr. Cha.K.H ( currently he is residing in New Zealand with his family).
My paternal uncle, Mr Krishnan and auntie had been my core catalyst. They'd been very supportive and helpful in ensuring my early education is solid. Strict and firm in his approach during tuition classes but soft hearted teacher, my uncle embodies discipline life as the key to success. My utmost gratitude and appreciation to both of them.
I am greatly indebted to my ever strong resilient "pillar" in my life. She had endured or suffered, correctly to put in right perspective bringing her children to a respectable standing, in the field of education, took all the life bruising to the maximum impact. Mother, Madam Letchmi worked hard, suffered most, took the heaviest toll on her physical body, experiencing trauma from early life hardship, and other indescribable miseries beyond her control. My only regret that she was unable to attend this convocation due to severe health reason. "Ma, you are my greatest strength. I could never ever able to repay your sacrifices". Not forget to mention my father,Mr Krishnan Peter Pereira. My sincere appreciation for without having to experience his "experience", I may never got to experience this moment, albeit on a later part of my life.
Family friends, Madhu and Omana were part of the supportive friends who in one way or another provided helping hand whenever time permits. They often invited me to stay at their place and took care of me as part of their family member, especially Omana who was somewhat pays extra attention as a sisterly figure who cared for my health and overall well being. My regret is that I did not have theirs and Kulapathi/Kulamatha Uma Maheswaran's presence on this special occasion as planned beforehand due to unforeseen circumstances I could not avoid. I sincerely apologize on this.
It will not be complete if I did not mention my siblings, in particular my only sister, Athi Letchmy whom never fails to ensure of my health as top priority. She regularly calls and spoke in length to get updates of my mental and physical condition. She often visits me during holidays. Mohana Das, Sivalingam and Arulpragasam, my brothers by blood who stood beside me since young. We'd gone through thick and thin enduring life challenges.
Due recognitions to all my teachers from both primary and secondary schools, close friends, late Mr Mogan, my ex- boss and his family, Subramaniam.Sinniah, my close buddy at work,God mothers and Godfathers, uncle and unties, cousins, nephews, nieces who encouraged me to complete this program. Special heartfelt note of appreciation and thank you to Untie Masilamani whom had strongly advocated on being in good standing in society every time I stayed back late in her house to group study with her kids.
WIT (Engineering college where I attended my Diploma) lectures, Mr Ashok, Mr Rajah, Mr Ganga, Ms Paruvathy, hostel mates, and college friends whom had helped me attain outstanding results. Dr Michael Sebastion, the college Principle materialized my engineering education. Ms Reeva Bala, her mother Mrs Bala, Sister Kiruba are wonderful souls whom I took great fondness because of their lovely hospitality whenever I visited them on weekends in Klang in late 80's.
My appreciation is also extended to my music teacher, Ms Yogeswari and Mrs Raji of TFA(S'pore) and teachers in TFA(JB), Mrs Vimala, for they are my ever encouraging teachers. Swami Sivaprabananda, the resident monk of TFA(JB) who always prays for me. HH Shanthanand Saraswati, the patron of TFA International who blessed me from the inner worlds.
A word of big Thank You to my course Supervisor Mr Tey Seng, guided me in successful completion of my final thesis. WOU, JB regional tutors, administrative staffs, friends whom I can't possibly mention here due to their confidentiality request, course mates, a million thank you as well!
Special mention of my favourite catalyst from Singapore, Mr Muthu Krishnan, my ex Supervisor from AT&T(Spore) in late 80's and early 90's. He has rightly moulded me to be a good "manager". Thank You soo much Sir. You're a great soul!!
My faraway sisters and brothers abroad, Uma, Mangai, Nuckiren (in Mauritius) Nalini ( in USA) and all my FB friends all over the world, including extended families friends in Singapore, you are not forgotten. A million thanks for prayers and well wishes. Mr Uthaya Kumar of GE, excellent mentor/coach and Hi-Archieverz family members. Heartfelt thanks to all of them as well.
Most of all, my humble thanks to dear Gods' ( Lord Siva ), Remover of Obstacle, Lord Ganesha, my favourite God, Lord Muruga and spiritual preceptors, Gurudeva, HH Satguru Sivaya Subraminiyaswami and HH Satguru Bothinatha Veylanswami of Kauai, Hawaii Hindu Monastery and all the monastics whom transformed my entire life and gave a eternal satisfying spiritual "nool", knowledge book of wisdom!!
My humble apology to all those persons whom had helped and supportive of me all these years but I may not able to list all by names, I clasp my two palms and gently offer my sincere gratitude instead. My the Good Lord bless all of you!
Ravichandran Ceyon
19th June, 2014