Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Trekking Mountain and a Hill
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Gunung Datuk, Tampin, Negeri Sembilan |
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Awesome view from hill of Tanjung Tuan |
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Niece and nephews atop Bukit Batu Putih, Tanjung Tuan |
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Sivaa - and avid mountain climber at 7 years old |
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Mustaffa resting before next assault peak of Mount Datuk |
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View from Gunung Datuk |
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Kausalya managed to hike Bukit Batu Putih |
Low EQ
Low EQ = Negative emotion + negative perceptions + Behavioral issues + Poor Communication + Reduced Pro-activity + Lower Performance + Weak Confidence + Damage Credibility + Higher Losses (Tony Larman,2015)
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Guava leaves are worthy of so much attention since they offer an abundance of health benefits. They are high in vitamins A and C, potassium, healthy fiber and lycopene.
In this article we give you 17 amazing health benefits provided by guava leaves:
- Guava leaf tea can decrease bad LDL cholesterol without affecting good HDL cholesterol levels.
- Treat bronchitis and coughs with guava leaf tea
- Apply crushed guava leaves onto affected areas to relieve itching caused by allergies
- This method can also be used for relieving insect bites.
- Guava leaves offer an amazing aid against hair loss when boiled and allowed too cool on room temperature. Gently massage your scalp to stop any further hair loss
- Guava leaf tea stops carbohydrates from turning into sugar and thus suppresses appetite. This will also help you to reduce weight.
- Guava leaf tea is also great for upset stomach and provides a great help in cases of food poisoning.
- This tea is also effective in the treatment of diarrhea and dysentry since it provides strong antimicrobial properties.
- Guava leaf tea is considered to be effective in treating enlarged prostate and cancer.
- It is especially recommended for men who deal with fertility problems.
- Guava leaves are high in vitamin C, which helps to heal those trouble spots on your face, called acne and pimples.
- In order to prevent infections, aplly crushed guava leaves on minor cuts like scrapes or abrasion. You can also prepare a tea to relieve an outer ear infection. Leave the tea to cool and then drop some of it in on the affected area.
- Boil 9 guava leaves in 5 cups of water until the amount you have in your pot reduces by half. This is great in the treatment of dengue.
- Guava leaf tea is very beneficial for diabetics as it reduces blood sugar level and does not stimulate insulin secretion.
- Chew guava leavesin order to relieve toothache, inflamed gums and sores in the oral cavity.
- If you want to remove blackheads naturally, crush a few guava leaves and stir in a little bit of water. Use this instead of your regular face scrub.
- Use the same combination to prevent premature skin aging, and you will be amazed by the result.
Now when you know all these amazing benefits of guava leaves, you can use them whenever you need, and if you have guava tree in your backyard, you are very lucky.
Source: healthdigezt.com
Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Systematic Hindu religion teaching needed for Malaysian Hindus
We need a second wave of religion awakening for Malaysian Hindus.
It's high time now for Hindu religious organizations in Malaysia to come-up with a well rounded Hindu religion classes for Malaysian Hindu population. No doubt that Hinduism is dynamic in its practices and follows many "sampradaya" teachings but majority Hindu population here does not even know that Hinduism has four main denomination which is not in conflict with each other as Ahimsa is their foremost common dharmic principle. Being confused about what is the main authority book on Hinduism, more than 90% of Hindus will answer Bhagavad Gita and Ramayana as the main book. This is true but not accurate.
Further, we're prone to mixing religious believes and traditional practices carried from our forefathers without proper understanding. This leads to conflicting minds in young children who are growing in a plural society.
Books about Hindu religion are too complex and varied in nature. Most are of high intellectual nature like Puranas of yore which depicts moral stories; containing mixed situation, including violence. We experienced children asking thought-provoking questions, comparing with other religions that sometimes even the adults cannot provide adequate and intelligent answers!
So, which book to read to know about Hinduism? Malaysian Hindus are open to many challenges in this far more open society, ascending towards uncontrolled liberal thinking in a diversified race/religion mixture country.Young children, and often the adults too are confused about Hindu religion basic understanding.
Sadly too, many Hindu children in Malaysia don't have proper means to acquire such religious knowledge due to sheer ignorance of parents or social surroundings where they live in, e.g. rural areas and estates, low-income families, broken families etc.
Another main issue is language. Malaysia is culturally diversified and multilingual nation though Bahasa Melayu is the national language, English is widely used and vernacular languages like Tamil, Mandarin, etc, are prevalent among the Malaysian Indians and Chinese.
Hindu children are sent to National schools where Malay language is the main medium of teaching. Though Tamil schools are quite popular with the rural families, urban parent prefers to place their kids in national schools due to the better facilities, well funded by government and wanted these kids to be competent speaking Bahasa Melayu, a language which is compulsory for full certificate award as well prerequisite if wanted to gain University entrance and government jobs.
On the contrary, lately, we are witnessing a surge in awareness to learn this beautiful religion in other part of the world in a systematic way. Western devotees, who had just recently discovered Sanathana Dharma's profound intrinsic values are leaping ahead; learning the religion diligently from the basics, adhering to Hindu tenets correctly and value adding them with proper delivery tools so that their youngsters are implanted with the right thoughts, sound intellectual understanding.
Only after 1980's, when His Holiness Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami reverberated with a loud wake-up call to all Malaysian Hindus to rise and "defend" Hinduism by equipping with sound religious knowledge, had made a huge impact on them to boldly push for internal and external changes. We had made a tremendous transformation since then.Thus, we should be thankful and grateful to this great "Mahan" as the main towering figure who woke-up the sleeping giants in us to be brave and expressive enough seeking major transformation, proudly reclaiming our Hindu religion believes and practices with pride.
The need for common interesting and educational book that unite all the knowledge on Hinduism presented in simple to understand, yet triggers intellectual curiosity to love and practice Hindu religion among young children and adult alike is truly lacking.
Though many independent Hindu religion organization in Malaysia do have religious education, but this is just confined within their group members and occasional devotees who visit their places. A clear comparison can be observed on their personal development of that a child attends proper religious class and those who do not. The former mostly outshines the latter in every aspect of personal development as they grow-up.
Pupil own religion (POR) classes, apart from pupils own language classes (POL) should be a part of the curriculum subject for children of other religions. Hinduism classes must be conducted on specific time and day within school hours in the national schools. I know it's easier to say than done, but with strong willpower and community political will support may materialize these mission, eventually one day!
Hinduism classes must be conducted at a specific time and days within school hours as parents aren't focusing on this aspect at home and for that matter, they completely leave it to self-discovery, traditional pass down of their religious practices or entrust them to trustworthy (sometimes can be untrustworthy organizations) Hindu religious groups, temples and organizations at respective areas or near their residence .
Nevertheless, credit must be given too to the many individuals and organizations that are trying their level best to create greater awareness among the young Hindu generation to love our religion without being fanatical towards other religions. We are seeing many activities being conducted to outreach knowledge thirst Hindus to learn this beautiful religion comprehensively and be proud to be a Hindu.
Let us pray and do our part in any way or means we can to support their activities to boldly move forward spiritual and physical development of Malaysian Hindus.
Garland of Pearly Words of HH Swami Sivaprabhananda
Garland of Pearly
Words HH Swami Sivaprabhananda
“Enna punniyam seitheynoh”.
great merit I have done in previous births that I deserve to be born in this
life serving my Satguru till my last physical breath? Only He (HH Shanthanand
Saraswathi) knows and I surrender my will to Him” -His
Holiness Swami Sivaprabhananda, reverend resident sanyasin of Temple of Fine
Arts (JB)
Prostration and my humble salutation to
all the Gurus
for their inner guidance and may they keep illuminating
my mind seeking higher consciousness
while allowing my impermanent body carry
out the necessary dharmic duties to best
of my ability in this earthly life.
I suppose it was my previous life’s “punya”
residues that I am able to get near to or be with great holy men whom have no
desire but just to serve, love and showing dharma path to mere ordinary mortals
like us. Among billions of souls, there are few enlightened ones among them,
rare Saints who walk along with us. They are highly evolved souls, we revere
them so passionately. One such advanced soul is HH Shanthanand Saraswathi. Swamiji,
whose linage came from great spiritual Guru Parampara, HH Swami Sivananda of
Rishikesh, India. HH Swamiji had captured thousands of hearts across the globe
with His simple outlook, charm and empowering love.
Though I’ve never met Swamiji personally
on physical plane but I could feel sense and intuit HH presence whenever I got
a chance to be with HH’s initiated monk, reverend Sivaprabhananda Swamiji, a
resident sanyasin of Temple Of Fine Arts (JB) at Sivanjali Ashram, Bukit Kempas,
I would rather say, “I am blessed”
whenever I get golden opportunity to be with His reverend and sip in some
wisdom words that come from Swamiji’s higher knowledge fountain mind plane, quenching my spiritual thirst
along the way. Swamiji is an ordinary sanyasin with extraordinary simplicity.
It was sheer blessed feelings whenever Swamiji narrates all the sum experiences
He had with His Satguru and the wonderful journey Swamiji set on.
These pearly words are some of the
captured wisdom gems that I have collected, kept in my simple mind, knowing
that they may seem very ordinary but are priceless treasures that can’t be
bought when viewed from inner perspective. Writing these garlands of pearly
wisdom words is my small love token and humble way of showing appreciation and
dedication to reverend Swamiji’s devotion fulfilling His Paramaguru’s mission.
This is a humbling experience to recall sprouting thoughts and reproduced them on
physical plane after spending many precious moments with reverend Swamiji.
Whenever we’re with any great parampara
lineage sanyasins, our vasanas too are removed, slowly but surely with grace of
Gods and Gurus, we shall see our “own-self” nearer and clearer, finally be One
with our Maker.
Aum Shanti
16th June 2010
Aum Shanti
Garland of Pearly
HH Swami Sivaprabhananda
“Enna punniyam seitheyno”.
What great merit I have
done in previous births that I deserve to be born in this life serving my
Satguru till my last physical breath? Only He (HH Shanthanand Saraswathi) knows
and I surrender my will to Him”
-His Holiness Swami Sivaprabhananda, reverend sanyasin
of Temple of Fine Arts (JB)
These are the
outpouring of love words of Swamiji, describing His existence and the destiny set
to thread forward few decades ago, taking a noble path shown by Satguru,
Shanthanand Saraswathi.
“Belief in the
higher Soul nature, You exist, God exist, so believe in your Guru for he
believes in You”
“Never doubt
your Guru, surrender unto Him and be One with Him”
“He never sees
Two but just One. Why be in fear when the Guru is Here (inside the heart)”
“Your file is
closed”, HH Shanthanand Saraswathi told Swamiji (referring His worldly mission
is only godly mission thence on)
“Seeing from
within, the inner mind never sleeps. Rely on that spontaneity without analyzing
just by realizing”
“Don’t pretend,
extend your sincere heart and mind in fulfilling your duty”
“Work without
asking for return, merits are accrued with compounded interest returned to the
doer many fold later”
“I have a
desire” Swamiji said. “My desire is to fulfill Guru’s mission, nothing else”
“ I don’t know
why I am chosen (be a sanyasin), but I know I have something to do, however
small they seem to be as ordained by Satguru (HH Shanthanand Saraswathi) “
Swamiji often
quote, “I am nothing; just an ordinary soul carrying out paramaguru’s mission
to my best ability”
everything to me”, Swamiji’s spontaneous reply to HH Shanthanand during a
“Don’t analyze,
just realize”
“My action is
just an extension of Swamiji’s (HH Shanthanand) vision and mission”
experiences in life, good or bad are just lessons we need to learn. Keep moving
“It’s all Gurus’
grace” (referring to HH Shanthanand Saraswathi)
“Money can buy
material wealth; Guru’s guide if followed sincerely buys eternity (moksha)”
“Don’t worry,
God will take care everything. Just perform your part with sincere, love and
“This place is
not an ordinary place (referring to Sivanjali Ashram, Bukit Kempas). Guru has
blessed and thus
it’s a sacred
and holy place”
“You can go to
Rishikesh for pilgrimage but its equal in merit to pilgrimage here too.
(Sivanjali Ashram)”
“Face your
karma courageously”
“Are you ready to let go your `ego’? Do you
have the `vairakiyam’ to be a renunciate?,”HH SS asked Swami Sivaprabhananda
“Your will is
my will”, said Swamiji to HH Swami Shanthanand Saraswathi
“Don’t falter
on your sadhana given by Guru”
“Don’t run here
and there. Be still and face problems head on with calm. Our old vasanas comes
through people around us”
“Remember and
perform what Guru had said”, Swamiji’s gentle reminder not to forget HH Swami
Shanthanand’s mission.
Sivananda’s (HH Sivananda Swamiji) representative here”, HH Shanthanand Swamiji
to reverend Sivaprabhananda Swamiji
“We’re here not
to glorify ourselves or feed our big Ego. We’re to clear them with grace of a
intellectual mind is mischivious and cunning fellow if not hold onto a central
perspective. Keep track the mind, observe closely and discriminate its contents
before saying”
“The sweetest
“amrita” is from one’s Guru”, Swamiji quipped while taking meal.
“Swamiji is
full of love (referring to HH Shanthanand Saraswathi). He gave so much of love
till we’re intoxicated with His ever flowing love”
“Don’t play
truant in your Sadhana (prayers). Be consistent, keep trying however difficult
the challenges you may face. It will soon fade away”
“There is a
little secret about this place (showing toward Sivanjali ashram). The secret
is, It is sacred”
“I am nothing.
All the praises goes to my Guru (HH Shanthanand Saraswathi)”, Swamiji often
says this.
“Be yourself,
don’t trouble others, serve as much as you can, learn to be detached and
appreciate your surroundings”
“Honor your
words by likewise action”, Swamiji explains the tendency in us to forget our
affirmation in keeping our words.
“Guru is
watching you.. You may forget Him but he never forgets You”, Swamiji reminds us
that our actions are observed by HH Shanthanand Saraswathi (from inner planes)
“Make your life
worthwhile. Do something that brings positive changes in you and places around
“See God in
everyone, even in your enemy”
“Love the
person you hate most as he/she teaches you (us) how not to hate”
“Answers are
here (inside), keep looking within, not outside”
“Lead a simple
and uncomplicated life. That doesn’t mean you abandon your dharma, fulfill all
and detach all”
“Light burns to
ashes our veiled Ego wall, so don’t be afraid to come near to Light. It
purifies our thoughts, creates dharmic actions, attitude and diminish
instinctive reactionary mind”
“The last thing
to go is EGO, we must strive to achieve removing the big “E” and “GO” away to
“self freedom” but we need Guru’s grace to do this” – explaining the splitting
of EGO to E and GO
spiritual and material life and be in contentment always”. Swamiji advices on
how happiness can be cultivated.
“Pay attention
to details. Take steps to improve gradually. The older we grow; our actions too
should be refined”
“Make peace,
not war”
“Treat everyone
equally. There is no difference in the eye of God. The beggar who gives 10cent
and a millionaire who gives away thousands of ringgit receives equal punya in
weight according to their individual standing”
“Think many
times before saying anything”
“It’s just not
only in reciting the mantras but understanding them and applying them in our
“The change
comes from the inside not outside” – Swamji touches His heart to explain how
self transformation should begin; reflecting on our habits and attitudes from
inner perspective and take action to change the negative ones for betterment.
“Make your-self
useful” – Swamiji reminding us for being idle without a reason.
“Make peace to
your-self” – Swamiji’s caring words for the agitated mind.
“Saying is
easy, doing is hard but can be done if persistence is there plus with Guru’s
blessings”, Swamiji’s advice on avoiding giving-up halfway through of ones’
“Don’t forget
the past” – Swamiji reminds us not to forget our past experiences as these
teach us to be humble without clinging on them.
“Keep your-self
occupied with meaningful activities and surrounded by good people”
“Take it easy”
Friday, May 20, 2016
Sleeping Buddha in Tumpat, Kelantan
Gigantic Sleeping Buddha in Tumpat (Wat Pothivihan), near Kota Bahru . It is one of the three main Thai temples in Kelantan and was maintained by the Thai Buddhist community here. The reclining statue is the longest of its kind in Southeast Asia. Mainly visited by ethnic Thai people since the area is near the Thai Border.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Generation gap and changing of times!
Sunday, February 14, 2016
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