He had greatly changed the way things are done in our company. A farsighted person with tinge of Midas touch. He has that ability to mobilise everyone to be accountable to what they do. He gives us leeway's and never get angry( but firm) to all the mistakes we do. He took challenges with ease but eventually getting us moved with positive results.
Mr Chai is also a wonderful friend with great positive fun filled mind, makes everyone at ease and joyful, even at times when we have our greatest fears that things may go wrong!!! Mr Chai is very down to earth person who takes extra care of his workers and make point to listen and offers help as well provides advices when warranted.
Our company had made many positive changes for the past six years under his stewardship. It's not too exaggerating to say that he really had transformed us from a "smaller industry player" to an organisation that could deal with many world class MNC companies.
I'd reckon that that his inner glows radiates with strong spiritual believes he has close to his heart and with his able leadership, be part with us in our quest to be the best with pride, achieving the impossible, challenging us dare to dream the impossible had greatly revitalised our interest and zest to be number One or the best of the best.
He throws challenges, like "Be a world class Manufacturer by 2015" - pushing us to move forward without fear. He became a strong umbrella during recent stormy economic crisis and managed to pull us through with his prudent crisis management methodologies without pressing the panic button and when many other similar SMI companies falls flat, never to recover; we withstood this storm behind him, captain or our ship solidly.
We can't forget this moments of toil and hard work, reinventing and restructuring of manufacturing processes and streamline them to be an effective lean management outfit. Cutting cost where necessary, tighten purchases, reduce rejection and scraps, improve productivity, efficiency, excellent customer results, reorganize human resources, inject innovative idea participation from workers, create a fun filled environment and sense of accomplishment in our undertaking with clear objective.
It doesn't come easy for him as we had our resistance and apprehension at initial stages as how we can be a big time player competing with similar other manufacturing companies. He proves us wrong and we took his advices, ideas and grasp many good points from him and implement may seemingly simple ideas but highly effective he threw to us and we eventually saw the changes happening right in front of our eyes!! We realized we're having a marvelous "Captain" with a humble human heart leading us towards a challenging path. We are ready and shall move forward together with him and make our organization really a WORD CLASS!!
Mr Chai is surely a rare bread
We thank You and our appreciation