Friday, October 4, 2024

Tribute to Mum


Monday, August 26, 2024

ADHD Solution

 Those having ADHD issues are highly recommended to plenish their body with above super food to improve condition as the problem effectively. 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

DDT Training, Ipoh


Beneficial half day DDT in Ipoh by DXN training and marketing manager. Fruitful day with all leaders and distributors. 

Friday, August 2, 2024

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mind constipation

Reasons why one should avoid any friendship with the below characters:

 1. Disrespectful

2 Always Angry

3. Rebellious nature

4. Manipulative

5. Promiscuous

6. Pronoe to lying and cheating

7. Try to isolate us

8. Tendency to dump us.

9. Overbearing and controlling

The greatest fool one can be is expecting people to change for the better as per your expectation, even though you know the said changes are great for them. Each has their own karma to what extent they realize that improvement is a lifelong cycle. If they don't, never get disappointed. Let it be. Divine has its own way of managing this.

Fools always think that what they do is right. This captures a profound truth about human nature and decision-making. It suggests that individual who lack self-awareness or critical thinking often hold firm beliefs in their own correctness, regardless of evidence or perspective to the contrary.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Dealing with fickle and unstable mind people

 Dealing with fickle unstable mind person

Dealing with fickle-minded and unstable individuals can be challenging. Here are some key points to consider:

1. **Understand the Reasons**: Fickle-mindedness can stem from genuine confusion, low self-esteem, perfectionism, or even mental health conditions like Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Recognizing the underlying causes can help in addressing the issue more effectively. 

2. **Identify Patterns**: Look for consistent behaviors such as frequent changes in opinions or decisions. This can help distinguish temporary indecisiveness from deeper issues. 

3. **Set Boundaries**: Establish clear boundaries and expectations to avoid being taken advantage of. This can reduce stress and maintain a healthier relationship. 

4. **Seek Professional Help**: If the fickle-mindedness is severe or persistent, consider seeking professional help. Therapy can address underlying issues and provide coping strategies. 

5. **Avoid Manipulation**: Be aware of individuals who manipulate others to get what they want. This can be a sign of more sinister intentions and should be addressed accordingly. 

By understanding the reasons, identifying patterns, setting boundaries, and seeking professional help, you can better manage interactions with fickle-minded and unstable individuals.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Infinite Expanse

 Short story about mind

Here is a short story about the mind:

The Infinite Expanse

The mind is an infinite expanse, a vast and mysterious realm that stretches far beyond the confines of the physical world. It is a place where thoughts dance like fireflies in the darkness, where memories flicker and fade like distant stars. 

Within this inner universe, the self resides - a flickering flame of consciousness that burns brighter than any sun. It is the essence of who we are, the core of our being that gives rise to all our thoughts, feelings and experiences. 

Yet the mind is not a solitary place. It is a tapestry woven from countless threads - the voices of loved ones, the wisdom of teachers, the stories of those who came before. With each interaction, each lesson learned, the fabric of the mind grows richer, more intricate and profound.

At times, the mind can be a turbulent place, a churning sea of worries and fears, doubts and insecurities. The waves of emotion can crash against the shores of reason, threatening to pull us under. But within the depths of the mind also lie the pearls of insight, the hidden treasures of understanding.

For the mind is not just a passive receiver of information. It is a forge where new ideas are hammered into shape, where creativity sparks to life like a flint striking steel. It is a laboratory where hypotheses are tested and theories refined, where the boundaries of knowledge are pushed ever outward.

And in the quiet moments, when the chatter of the world fades away, the mind can turn inward, exploring the furthest reaches of consciousness. It is here, in the stillness, that the self can find its truest expression - a luminous thread woven through the fabric of existence, a spark of the divine.

So let us not take the mind for granted, this wondrous gift that sets us apart from all other creatures. Let us nurture it, challenge it, and allow it to soar to the furthest heights of understanding. For in the infinite expanse of the mind, the possibilities are as boundless as the stars.